by Robyn Schiller
Robyn is the wife of horse (and people) trainer Warwick Schiller. She invites you to join her as she journeys through her life as trainer’s wife, mother, businesswoman and Internationally competitive rider.
I was listening to the Bulletproof podcast a while ago and Dave Asprey was interviewing Esther Perel (whom I’d never heard of but have since looked up). She was talking about human relationships, but I think we would be well served to consider it for our horses TOO (what I’m suggesting is that you also consider it in the context she was talking about.)
She said:
“We all have relationship issues that we’re going to need to work on. All of us. It’s just part of human nature. The only question is going to be with whom. You don’t want to work on them in this relationship, you’re going to have to work on them in the next relationship because you’re the constant factor. At some point you’re going to have to look at yourself, my dear.”
It reminds me of a session that Warwick has done at a few of the recent expos called “The One Thing that Will Change the Relationship You Have with Your Horse”. He starts by telling everyone to take out their phone and point it at him. Then he tells them to use the button that rotates the phone to take a selfie. When everyone sees themselves on their phones he pronounces – “You. You are the 1 thing that will change the relationship with your horse.”
It’s so true. We look at the bit and change to bitless. We look at diet and give them a supplement. We look at the training we are doing and change it to the newest thing or a different trainer. We get the vet out, or the shoer, or the body worker and we get them to change things. We change disciplines or EVEN sell the horse! But, all the time, we are not looking in the mirror at the one thing that can make the biggest difference.
Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t examine the things I mention above. Of course, you should be assessing the well-being of your horse constantly. But don’t forget to assess the one.constant.factor = YOU.
Just thought I’d share that ah-huh moment with you.
Thanks for reading.