Online Video Subscription – 1 Year Gift – Type name and email of recipient in the notes section


The gift of 1-Year of Warwick Schiller’s Online Training Video Subscription gives access to affordable, real-time, no-nonsense horse training at less than the price of a regular lesson per month. No matter the age, breed or discipline, Warwick’s video subscription provides a clear path to a well-mannered, responsive horse and being the best horseperson you can be.

View this video for more information on Warwick’s training program.

This is a gift for a year’s worth of the online video subscription.  Please put the recipients name and email in the COMMENTS of your order. Once you purchase, you will receive an email that asks for the recipient’s email address if not provided.  Each purchase/quantity is for 1 year of online subscription access.  THIS IS NOT TO BE USED FOR YOUR OWN SUBSCRIPTION.